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Bear Bear was surrendered to PADR due to the death of his owner. He has found a new forever home and this is truly a "who rescued who" adoption. His new mom just gave up looking for a Lhasa when she came across Bear's bio, she said she couldn't believe it and knew she needed Bear in her life. Bear went to his home visit and quickly made himself at home, it was obvious he felt right at home and that it was a perfect fit! Bear needed his new mom in his life as much as she needed him in her life.
Baby Baby was surrendered to us when her mom was no longer able to care for her. She quickly found her forever home and now enjoys her summers on Cape Cod and her winters in Vermont!
BabyII BabyII........one of the many seniors we have had the pleasure to help. Baby came to us with a severe skin allergy and dry eyes. He fully recovered and now enjoying living the life of riley!
Bandit Sorry it has taken me so long to send over this picture of Bandit. I mean to do it every night and then I get distracted. Bandit and I have fallen into this nightly play routine and I can't get anything done until he has his playtime. The only problem is that by the time we're done, I forget about taking his picture. Anyway, I hope all is well and that you enjoy this picture and feel it is worthy of your success stories page. He is such a doll, we just love him so much!! He and Peanut have become great little buddies and on the nice fall days it was so much fun to watch them chase each other around in the yard. Now my kitchen and living room have turned into the race track and the kitties are not sure what to make of it when they see them running around like nuts. Bandit is still on constant kitty patrol and it quite the little tough guy for only 5 pounds. He isn't intimidated by the big kitties and lets them know who's the boss. It is hysterical to watch him bully them and chase them off the couch and bed! They're so used to the dogs ignoring them, that this is a whole new experience!! LOL Click a letter to find an animal or view all.